Frequently asked questions about Dioxyfin® CO2 therapy.
How and why does CO2 therapy work?
Carbon dioxide generates a positive response in the treatment of medical conditions mainly through four pathways:
For soft tissue injuries caused by trauma, disuse or disease there are four critical properties of carbon dioxide therapy: (1) the development of a supportive environment for new tissue and blood vessels, (2) increased oxygen levels in the tissue because of enhanced release from hemoglobin, (3) increased blood flow delivery to the tissue and, (4) decreased inflammation;
It reduces inflammation and pain. Carbon dioxide directly moderates the inflammatory response by directly decreasing the main biological compound that regulates inflammation (NFkB);
As an anti-oxidant, it will help preserve tissue that would otherwise be destroyed through the corrosive activity of reactive oxygen species; and,
In tumors it decreases the survival of hypoxic cancer cells; in hypoxic tissues it restores blood flow and reduces tissue damage caused by programmed cell death. These outcomes occur because carbon dioxide decreases hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1 alpha) that is released from cells that are hypoxic.
A single treatment of Dioxyfin may have some immediate effects due to its multiple actions. This may last a day, or longer. However, like any other therapy, it will wear off and there could even be a rebound response that may seem worse than when it was first applied. Only through repeated treatments will you see a more permanent effect because the healthier condition created by the therapy will support the formation of fresh tissue and it will reverse the detrimental effects of an unchecked inflammatory response.
Where can I purchase your products?
Our products are sold only to licensed veterinarians. They can register and purchase our products at our store.
How much do your products cost?
Prices are available to veterinarians after registering for access to our store our store.
What is the standard treatment protocol?
Our recommended standard protocol is to treat the condition for twenty minutes every day for three days and then every other day for six additional treatments. In some cases, such as fractures, soft tissue injuries, slow healing wounds and lesions deep within the limb, additional treatments may be necessary.
Extended treatments may be needed for slow healing wounds. You may notice that the initial set of treatments were having good results and you may want to continue therapy to insure the good response.
If you are treating a lesion that is deep within the limb (e.g., more than a few inches) you may want to do everything to optimize transfer of gas to the inner depths. This would include evacuating as much air as possible from the cover, soaking the limb in very warm water for 10 minutes before treating, and prolonging the time of therapy to 40 minutes.
For chronic conditions, such as arthritis and soft tissue injury, that are based mostly on inflammation, with minor need to repair tissue, the standard treatment may well be sufficient. This would be followed up with a treatment every one to two weeks. Eventually, monthly or semi-monthly treatments may be enough to keep arthritis at bay.
If there is trauma to the tissue typical of tears, fractures, or ruptures, the the protocol should be extended with treatments two or three times a week for a full eight weeks.
How long should each treatment be given?
Each treatment should be given for 20 minutes. With the exception of very deep lesions, there is no added benefit in continuing the treatment beyond 20 minutes.
Should any special care be taken with wounds?
We recommend that fresh wounds on the leg be wrapped in a couple layers of gauze to prevent any abrasion to the wound as the cover is pulled on and off the leg.
Are the treatments painful?
No, they are not—patients do not experience any pain. The treatment provides some pain relief and is generally pleasurable to the patient.
Can treatments be given in the paddock or in the cold?
Treatments can be given in any otherwise safe environment.
Do you have any case studies by veterinarians?
Yes, we have case studies for a range of conditions including. They are available here.
For what types of conditions have been clinical studies been conducted using CO2?
Clinical research concerning transdermal carbon dioxide has been conducted on peripheral vascular disease, exercise endurance, skin grafts, wound healing, muscle disuse, tumorigenesis, and bone fractures. A more exhaustive list, including citations, is available here.
What is USP Pharmacopeia carbon dioxide?
Pharmacopeia grade carbon dioxide is the only carbon dioxide allowed by the FDA to be used in medical applications. It is distinguished from other carbon dioxide by virtue of its purity. In order to be classified as pharmacopeia grade CO2, it must be manufactured in compliance with very strict FDA guidelines and requirements.
Can I use your products while employing other modalities?
Yes, our therapy is safe to use in conjunction with any other modality.
How does your therapy compare to other available therapies?
Here is a white paper that discusses the pros and cons of most other modalities.