How Carbon Dioxide Therapy Works
We are so excited to bring Dioxyfin DXN to you. You’ll find a lot of information on our website that will probably answer most of your questions. But you can send us an email for answers to any other questions you might have.
Once you decide to try Dioxyfin DXN you will have to ask your veterinarian to prescribe it for you - this is because, due to its effect on the body, the FDA classifies carbon dioxide as a drug and it must, like any other drug, be manufactured and prescribed in accordance with FDA regulations. Those regulations require that carbon dioxide be used by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
And, if you’re vet doesn’t have Dioxyfin DXN, give us a call or send us an email and we’ll help.
Here’s how the carbon dioxide mist in Dioxyfin DXN works:
Carbon dioxide does not cure the condition. Instead, it creates a much better healing environment and greatly enhances your animal’s natural healing abilities:
It triggers the formation of new blood vessels, which carry oxygen to the affected area, and helps to create healthy new tissue;
It causes oxygen to be released from the blood and it causes small blood vessels to dilate. As a result blood flow through the tissue is increased and extra oxygen is released;
It reduces inflammation; and,
It is sterile, it stops the formation of damaging bacteria, and it is an anti-oxidant.
Okay, so how does this help your sick animal?
Wounds: Dioxyfin DXN can be used on post-surgical wounds, lacerations, puncture wounds, and abscesses. Even hard-to-treat wounds heal better, safer, and faster when properly treated with the pharmaceutical carbon dioxide that’s in Dioxyfin DXN.
Diseases of inflammation: osteomyelitis, arthritis, bursitis, cellulitis, lymphangitis, scratches, and canker all react positively to the anti-inflammatory properties of Dioxyfin DXN. As a result, the painful consequences of inflammation diminish greatly, allowing the diseased area to heal more fully and over a shorter period time.
Conditions of the equine foot: laminitis, navicular syndrome, and slow growth of the hoof or sole are directly impacted by the healing effects of Dioxyfin DXN. The pain associated with these conditions mostly disappears rather quickly because of the anti-inflammatory effects of Dioxyfin DXN, so your horse will be able to move with little or no discomfort. And as we all know, a horse that is moving is a horse that is healing.
Soft tissue injury and undiagnosed lameness: The anti-inflammatory effects of the carbon dioxide in Dioxyfin DXN are key here, just like they are for the other conditions. Dioxyfin DXN just opens up the area and allows healing to take place. Collagen grows more quickly, and tissue heals better and faster. Working animals return to work sooner, and playing animals get to play quicker too.
The effects of Dioxyfin DXN really are remarkable. And they’re made even better by the fact that you can do no harm with this therapy. It is completely non-invasive, there are no side-effects or after-effects, it is impossible to cause an overdose, and it’s painless and all natural.
Visit our website, take a look around, and when you’ve decided to help your animal with Dioxyfin DXN, ask your vet to order it for you. If your vet doesn’t have Dioxyfin DXN, give us a call or send us an email, and we’ll put you in touch with a vet in your area who can help.
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